Comitato Scientifico

Daniel Montalvo leads the activities of the European Environment Agency in the area of circular economy, sustainable resource use and industry.

Daniel is an environment scientist by training, who started his career at national level, working for an environment regulator that implements EU-law on industry and promotes the use of EU funds to foster environment innovation. He worked at the European Commission in the period where the Industrial Emission Directive was proposed and subsequently adopted and participated in the discussion of several Reference Documents on Best Available Techniques (BREFs).

At the European Environment Agency, he was initially responsible for the exchanges of data between countries and the EU regarding the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, the EU inventory of Large Combustion Plants and reporting obligations around fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances.

He currently oversees the assessment of circular economy policies, one of the several transitions that Europe is going through to ensure that our society operates within the ecological limits of the planet. 

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