Accelerating Blue Interregional Cooperation in the Mediterranean Basin. Sharing a common strategic vision, creating transferrable collaboration models

- Giovedì 7 Novembre 2024
- 10:00 - 17:00
- Memo
- Agorà Blue Economy pad. B8
- inglese
- italiano
- a cura di Ecomondo STC & Cluster BIG Blue Italian Growth, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
The Mediterranean Sea basin is an area with a huge potential, given its 46.000km of coastline extension, its unique marine and fish resources and emerging opportunities in several blue economy sectors. Given the existing initiatives, opportunities and priorities to ensure a sustainable blue economy it’s crucial the cooperation among Mediterranean countries to boost sustainability and digitalization, in particular with the involvement of blue economy clusters.
Throughout the morning session we will hear about the emerging clusters initiatives in the southern shore countries and look at the various cooperation models and learn about direct experiences of clusters coming from northern and southern shore countries. In the afternoon actions towards digitalization in the blue economy will be discussed, analyzing best practice in Italy and in other European and non-European countries.
10.00-10.30 Registration
Session 1
Internationalisation in the Mediterranean seabasin
10.30-10.50 Welcome address
Paolo Guglia, Vice President, Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale BIG-Blue Italian Growth
Adriana Salazar Olivan, Union of the Mediterranean
10.50-11.10 Internationalization in the Mediterranean: cooperation models in northern and southern shores towards sustainable blue economy
Leonardo Manzari, WestMED
11.10-11.40 Mapping cluster initiatives in the southern shore countries
Roberto Cimino, Past Vice President, Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale BIG-Blue Italian Growth
Laurence Martin, General Secretary, Federazione del Mare
11.40-12.10 Piloting activities in the Southern shore: strengthening emerging maritime clusters ecosystem
Lidia Rossi, Managing Director, Polo ForMare
Abdelfettah Herizi, Managing Director, Leancubator
Hamadi Baba Hamadi, Cluster Maritime Mauritanien
12.10-12.30 Coffee break
12.30-12.40 EU funding opportunities for smart specialisation, interregional cooperation in the blue economy – the EMFAF Call for Proposals on Flagship/Smart specialisation strategies
Luca Marangoni, Deputy Head of Unit Sustainable Blue Economy, CINEA – European Commission
12.40-13.10 Policy makers engagement
A. Tiziana De Nittis, MASBBE Partnership Regione Emilia-Romagna
Ezzedine Kacem, Cluster Maritime Tunisien-CMT
Grazia Gulluni, Project Manager, Lazio Innova
13.10-13.40 Panel discussion: blue economy priorities in northern and southern shore
Moderator: Roberto Cimino, Cluster BIG
Luca Marangoni, deputy Head of Unit Sustainable Blue Economy, CINEA – European Commission
Leonardo Manzari, WestMed
Nesrine Rekia Ziad, Leancubator
All speakers and clusters representatives
13.40-14.00 Wrap-up & Conclusions
14.00-15.00 Lunch break
Session 2
Italian Ecosystem towards digitalisation in the blue economy: best practice sharing
15.00-15.20 Introduction by the Chair
Moderator: Roberto Cimino, Past Vice President, Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale BIG-Blue Italian Growth
15.20-15.40 iNEST - Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem
Research and technological transfer activities in the sector of maritime, marine and inland water technologies. Development of a Digital Ocean of the North Adriatic area, integrating AI, ecosystem models and observed data.
Stefano Querin, OGS & Reaserch topic manager on Inest’s North Adriatic Digital Twin
Vittorio Bucci, Univeristy of Trieste & Research topic manager on Inest’s Sustainable waterway mobility (TBC)
15.40-16.00 RAISE - Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment
Improve the strategy and methodologies of environmental monitoring and protection for the sea in the Ligurian territory. Innovative robotic systems managed by AI for marine monitoring, with increased mission range and better data quality (widespread, integrated and dynamic-adaptive monitoring).
On constructing an intelligent digital environment for ports and maritime transport
Davide Giglio, University of Genova & RAISE
16.00-16.20 MOST - National Center for Sustainable Mobilty
Making the mobility system "greener" as a whole and more "digital" in its management. Innovative propulsion and energy management; autonomous navigation for ship operation in harsh environment; digital systems for improved efficiency.
Creation of a digital ecosystem that connects ships, ports and shipyards by leveraging PNRR initiatives
Daniele Filippone, Executive Vice President, Fincantieri
Digital Twins for the mobility of the future
Alessandro Iafrati, Director of INM-CNR & Spoke Coordinator
16.20-16.50 Panel discussion – Interaction with southern shore representatives on the topic
Roberto Cimino, Past Vice President, Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale BIG-Blue Italian Growth
All north-south clusters and Italian ecosystems’ representatives, Leonardo Manzari, Nesrine Rekia Ziad, Grazia Gulluni
16.50 Wrap-up and Conclusions
- Water Cycle and Blue Economy
- Evento on-site & live streaming